Inspired by @TheMirza_'s cat, Kira.

- Tokenomics -

100% of the tokens are in circulation

Total supply:69,000,000,000


Ownership renounced:

What about the LP tokens?

*Since at the time of its launch, it was not possible to lock liquidity on Injective, all the LP tokens were sent to @TheMirza_'s personal wallet.
All LP tokens are locked in the Kira Liquidity Locker.

Don't forget to check out our reviews below:

Buy $KIRA now!

What are you waiting for?


Ready to unlock the secrets of the Injective ecosystem? 🚀 Dive into the pulse of innovation on our YouTube Channel @kiraoninj!🌐Let's make learning fun – join us now and level up your understanding of the Injective ecosystem! Ready to dive in?🔗Click here for an educational adventure!
💡🎓#Kirarmy #ExploreWithKira



1. How to set up Keplr wallet:

Step 1: Download Keplr wallet from the official Keplr Website or click here.Step 2: Install and open Keplr wallet on your device.Step 3: Create a new wallet or import an existing one.Step 4: Set up a password and secure your wallet.Step 5: Connect Keplr wallet to Injective Chain.

2. How to bridge to Injective:

Option 1: Use a Centralized Exchange (CEX) and transfer your $INJ directly from a CEX to your Keplr Wallet.
Ensure that your wallet address is correct to avoid any issues.
Option 2: Visit the Official Injective Bridge.
Go to and follow the instructions to bridge your assets to Injective.

3. How to buy:

Option 1: Go to DojoSwap or click here.Option 2: Go to Coinhall and use their swap feature or click here.Option 3: Go to Astroport or click here.Option 4: Go to Helix or click here.

now send it to 1bn mc.

Hello I'm Kira and I have a lot of dreams.

This is my dream diary.
Sometimes if the dream is really beautiful I try to capture it in a drawing. Please do not make fun of me just because I like to dream big, as big as my...

(oh nevermind)

1. My daddy Mirza always told me that I might just be a small cat but that in reality I would be the goat.
So since I'm the goat, I'm always dreaming about taking those small bit**es out for a walk.

2. So maybe you know by now that the colors of Injective are all blueish, which kinda makes me bullish because one of the things I dream quite a lot about is an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph Ref. 26331BA with a blue dial.

3. My daddy Mirza always told me that I'm a good cute kitty cat. Everybody loves me and my daddy told me that I should use this as an advantage to help those in need of some love.As you already know by now I'm cute AND I'm the goat, so I thought about some utility I could give to those around me, which led me to a blueprint. If you really care, then click here.

4. I always fancied myself as a tech innovator, you know how they always say "I'm in it for the tech." Yep that's right that's me, so I dreamt about hosting a hackathon with a $50'000 prize pool and made it happen. If you care to find out more about this click here.

5. You know at the beginning of this year I had a funny dream that I would become the Elon Musk of Electric Diapers, so as soon as I woke up I had the urge to write down all my big goals I had for this year. You know the classic "New Year New Me" kind of stuff. So I wrote everything down on a single page and shared it with the whole internet, you can find it here if you care about it.But now after several months, I realise that becoming a tech mogul is as hard as losing those 100 pounds you gained over Christmas. I promise I will keep working until I finish all the chores I promised to do but please be kind with me because my small kitty cat paws don't let me run as fast as I wish to.

6. Oh yeah and btw I'm running for the mascott of the Injective Ecosystem, tell everybody so we can:

7. This is not a dream but if you made it this far and hold $KIRA, you are going to make it. If you made it this far and do not hold any $KIRA wtf are you waiting for???

maybe I'll continue with this dream diary but only maybe, maybe yes, maybe no...

Hello there,
I see you are one of those smart people that like to read before they ape?

Kira has big goals:

If you want to find out more about my tech mogul plans, then you'll find everything that your bookworm's heart needs to know down below:

Utility Goals:

• Reduce sell pressure (staking)
• Increase buy pressure (people want to buy $KIRA to position themselves for the benefits)
• Add value to the KIRA community (airdrops, revshare, presales)
• Add safety to the INJ ecosystem (LP locker, vesting, trust fund)
• Act as an accelerator for new projects: Advisory, Exposure to 16k+ holders, 5k tg community, visibility on X and Youtube

KIRA Liquidity Locker:

The LP locker is a platform where projects can lock their Liquidity Pool tokens. This allows them to reassure everybody that they won’t “rug” the liquidity, making this an important step to become a safe project.They can choose between 3 different timing options and they have an extend lock option.
Holders will be able to see the lock duration that is left at all times, allowing them to notify the project ownerts to extend the lock time. This creates trust between the teams and their holders.
LP Locker tax:
Locking LP tokens with KIRA will take a 1% tax.

$KIRA Staking:

What are the benefits?
• Airdrops
• Participate in presales
Where do the airdrops come from?
Fees generated from KIRA products + all tokens collected from Hackathon projects
All fees are sent to this address: inj1vq5apj8vejgncc9qwf2azvews07zca93y8ufa3, and will be dispersed to the $KIRA stakers according to their % of the staking pool.Staking mechanism:The staking mechanism will come in the form of locked staking (flexible duration) and multipliers (up to 10x) in order to reward those who stake their $KIRA over a longer timeframe. This means that each staker can increase their percentage of the staking pool up to 10X!Staking tax:
0.5% staking fee -> split into 0.2% to treasury directly, 0.3% to liquidity

KIRA Presale:

The idea of the presale product is to offer projects the ability to raise money for their project while offering tokens for sale to the $KIRA stakers.We will get in touch with the projects and determine the amount that will be raised through our platform.Every $KIRA staker gets a presale allocation and the allocation amount each staker gets, depends on the % of their staking pool. The % of the staking pool varies according to the amount of $KIRA tokens staked AND according to the time they are locked.

KIRA Vesting:

Vesting is a platform where projects can vest their team tokens and unlock them over a certain period of time. This allows them to reassure their holders that they won’t dump their team tokens in 1 go but instead gradually unlock the team tokens to be able to pay for marketing, staff etc.Options include:
• Duration (in months)
• Method of unvesting
Vesting tax:
Vesting with KIRA will take a small tax (to be defined) of the vested tokens to be rewarded to $KIRA stakers.

KIRA Accelerator:

Help new projects launch successfully by leveraging our products, our partnerships and our community.Leverage:
• 16k+ holders
• Socials (TG, X, YT, DC)
• Advisory
• Funding (Hackathons, Presale)
• Products: LP Locker, Vesting
• Partnerships: For example: Dojo (Farms), Ninjakits (airdrop tool), QuantumFi (Yield strategies), and the list keeps growing!

- Oh yeah and btw I hosted a $50'000 Hackathon, if you want to find out more about that click here.

Just a friendly reminder that Kira is a community-driven project. It's a memecoin first, so some points on the roadmap might take a bit longer than expected. But hey, Kira's the G.O.A.T, so you know he’s always giving it his all!


Dear Injective Community,The KIRA community has come together to launch a hackathon, with the goal in mind to expand the ecosystem and bring a new wave of development. Built by the community, for the community.The prize pool of this hackathon was 1200 INJ (+-$50,000 at the time of writing) and was spread amongst the top 4 projects! The winners have been chosen via community voting.Check out our winners below:
1ST - 600 INJ -> NINZA
Multisig wallet: inj13w8ayt5e9c5x0a9wr0zt8punq3vvcmuku4fug2

Here's a list of all the participants of our first Hackathon:

- NinjaKits

- QuantumFi

- Kaze Tools

- Nexus Bot

- xNinja

- GreenGridX

- OrbitraDex

- Engage

- InjBot

- Landly

- Kage Finance

- Ninja Labs

- Ninza

- NFT Market Hub

- Ninja Launch Capital

- Injscribed

Hackathon Participant

- 1st Place -

Name of the project:
Project idea:
Ninza is a fully on-chain idle social game that combines the thrill of ninza actions with the benefits of blockchain technology.
Product desctription:
Ninza is a fully on-chain idle social game that combines the thrill of ninza actions with the benefits of blockchain technology. In Ninza, players can create, grow, and train their own ninzas, and compete with other players . By using smart contracts and NFTs, Ninza enables players to have true ownership and control over their digital assets. Ninza also offers a fun and engaging game experience with various types of rewards, such as INJ, NINZA token, nGOLD token, Points, XP and NFTs which can be earned by playing the game or participating in the Ninza community. We aims to explore the potential of on-chain gaming and create a decentralized and immersive ninza world for Injective community.
Vision & Goals:
We aim to explore the potential of on-chain gaming and create a decentralized and immersive ninza world for Injective community.
Team members (including tg and discord):
@hanzo.ninza @daisuke_shib

Hackathon Participant

- 2nd Place -

Name of the project:
Project idea:
NFT-FI, Game-Fi
Product desctription:
An all in one stop for multiple NFT + GameFi + DeFi tools.
Vision & Goals:
Injsribed aims to be a leader providing utility in INJ space. From first raffle platfrom, to first token creator platfrom, to first LP lock soon with on chain games and more! We are looking forward to bringing new tools to the space everyday.
Team members (including tg and discord):
@zaho69 @marinov

Hackathon Participant

- 3rd Place -

Name of the project:
Kage Finance
Project idea:
Trading Platform on Injective
Product desctription:
Trading Bot and Terminal on Injective
Vision & Goals:
The best trading platform on Injective
Team members (including tg and discord):

Hackathon Participant

- 4th Place -

Name of the project:
Ninja Labs
Project idea:
Ninja Labs is a blockchain hub. Our project ideia is NinjaPvP, a PvP Gaming platform built on INJ.
Product desctription:
On NinjaPvP, we have a sustainable gaming system called W2E (Win-to-Earn). The concept is simple: when Player 1 enters the game with $10 in tickets, Player 2 also needs $10 in tickets. After playing, if Player 2 wins, they earn the pool, taking home $16. Of the remaining $4, $2 goes to buyback and burn, and $2 goes to the platform.
Vision & Goals:
At Ninja Labs, our vision transcends traditional boundaries. We are architects of decentralized Web3 solutions, driven by the ethos of community-driven development. Our flagship project, Ninja PvP, is not merely a game; it stands as a testament to our commitment to redefining the gaming landscape through decentralization, transparency, and player-centric experiences. As a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), we ensure that decisions are made collectively, putting the power in the hands of the community.
Team members (including tg and discord):
@0xminatouzumaki @ninjainosuke @0xmoonbeam_ @michaelscott_94550 @kazekage.gaara